Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Frankfurter Special - Day 8

So begins my second week here...

Work is feverish, i've got a progress report coming up on Friday and it really feels quite nerve racking. But it feels this way through out the office. Pace has picked up and there's a bigger buzz around, you can definitely feel it in the air. I dont know what exactly it is, but there is something.

Got to visit the staff store today too. There's some good stuff there, and I needed to get some LEGO to keep myself from going nuts in the room. I did spend more than I wanted, but it'll work. My 8265 should keep my pretty busy, Technic Chicken walker anyone? with Linear actuators! I hope to go back there before i leave to pick up souveniers. They also told me that June will be a good month since they're getting rid of stuff for new stuff! woo HOo.

So i get back and I tell my boss that I don't have lego in my hotel room and he replies " Oh no, that just won't do" its great. We apparently got a visit from a big boss and my stuff got shown to him. You could imagine the beads of sweat coming from my brow! But it seemed to be good so far.

After work i hit up town again, supermarkets for shopping, grabbed more ramen and 9.50 dkk Ice tea! But for dinner, i went to the fast food spot and well i didnt know what to order. So the girl with the purple hair there took my 'Frankfurter special order" in excellent english!. This dog was huge! She grilled it, then cut it and then FRIED IT ! and then put onions and some spices and some pickles, put the bread on the side and it was the most amazing dog ever. I will have to return! Thanks to those who suggested the franks.

Anyways, i got out of my nap funk. Time to open up some toys. What a life. LEGO at work, LEGO at the hotel. I'm still trying to figure out what to do this weekend. Need to save money but still want to see Denmark. Stay tuned for what happens!

1 comment:

Unknown said...