Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 days - saying goodbye

Well, not to anyone really, but to old things.
I'm trying to remind myself that I'm only going to be gone for 5 weeks. But there is a changing of the guard in my life. I've been trying to let go of some of the 'useless' things in my life. I'm letting go and saying goodbye to some LEGO Stuff, I've even let go of some of my prized balisongs. And I'm trying to let go of more but its rather difficult. Its a changing of the guard, and to change at all, I must change myself.
Other than that, I'm trying to see lots and lots of people before I go. The other night i got to say fare thee well to my Bricktron team. They've been so good to me and so supportive. What a great team and I know it wont be the last time we're all physically in the same room.
In the meantime, there's still so much to do. I've got a paper/presentation due on Monday! and all this other work to do until then. When will i get a chance to pack? I work up until the hours before I leave for the airport, its hard to get too excited when there's so much to do. Ten long days ahead.

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