Sunday, May 9, 2010

2 days - Building Excitement

Two days before the big trip. I haven't even started packing yet. The suitcases are in the middle of my room, but at least all of my laundry is done. Think it might be worth it to start living out of the suitcase already?
Lots of good lucks and see you laters from the wonderful support system I have at home. I've probably had a few too many beers in the past few days too. But it's all good fun and celebrating a new journey. Its hard not to get poetic, but that's me.

Yes, I'm super excited and ready to go beyond belief. The excitement is building, the pace is getting sort of frantic and there is still a few things i need before i go. I dropped my sunglasses at the movie theater last night, so thats one. I need a set of those power converters and a fitted Yankee hat. I think its worth walking around telling everyone I'm from the NYC. I hope I have everything else though.

Any tips from anyone ?

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