Sunday, May 30, 2010

Viking! - Day 19

Yesterday we took a nice tour of this cozy quaint and busy city. A tourist trap for sure with a wonderful history.

We started at the National Museum to see what this place is all about. Denmark has quite a rich history dating back to pre bronze era through vikings and the wonderful monarchy that it is today. Some quite cool stuff in there, including viking swords!

After that we hit up the Christiansborg castle. They have a really cool underground cavern with the remains of the original castle and its foundations. Castle after castle has been built on top of some 1000 year old brick and mortar ruins and its very cool. Its almost a secret door to go under and it looks like one of those TV shows where you go to an underground city. It wasnt very big, but i really felt like i was part of history there!

Strolling on over to Nyhavn, the picturesque canal mall with its dozens of outdoor restaurants and bars. I really felt like i was in europe here. Everyone's so open and friendly, men with six packs of carlsberg's just sitting on the dock. We ate at a cozy place which according to lonely planet has good danish fair. I had some fish dishes and EJ had a crawfish type dish. I think i was told that the Danes arent known for their service, we were hungry though. They had a Nyhavn bottled beer, which was a little dry, but again quite tasty.

We finally got to walk over to the shops in town, and they were the typical high end stores seen in all tourist attractions. I did stop at an irish pub to have a Viking IPA, which the bartender described as having a high alcohol content and that it would put hair on my chest. I dont know about the hair, but it was a very good beer!
Everything really does close early though, save for bars and restaurants. But in that, i have found a strong candidate for my beer of choice.

After a quite good sushi dinner, we headed off to Tivoli Sq. So we paid admission to see the myriad of restaurants there, also at tourist prices. And to my surprise, one had to buy tickets to get on the rides ! It was really pretty, but a little dissapointing. They did have some good rides though, and one day i'll get on them. It was just a little too late in the night to wait in line. Some were quite scary though, everything moved just that much faster.

All in all Copenhagen is a really beautiful city, even though we didn't I think next time it would be worth it to get the CPH card. I'd like to definitely take some more time soon to explore this place to its fullest, it seems like a good city to get to know.

So after a few more hours here in Kopenhavn, back to Billund!

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