Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Still a dream - Day 7

So this is it, my first week. As much fun as its been, its been a lot of work too. But every day is a gift here, another chance to live this grand dream that so many have.
I've got my first progress report on Friday, and it really is making me anxious. Tell the truth, there is an air of anxiety every day. At home I'm the best at what I do, and my pressure is different than it is here. The deadlines are different. Here i'm just not sure yet, its hard to tell what's exactly expected of me. Obviously the job is important, but I still feel anxious and its probably expected to want to do well at any employer yea?
Today I got to hang out with one of the other builders for LEGO Education. She's also a fan and has also just recently got her position as a full time builder. Her track began like mine, as a freelancer and she worked her way up to where she is now. After working a year in her role, she says that its still a dream to work there. LIke me and I'm sure many other kids out there, she had a lot of nay sayers about wanting to work for LEGO. She stuck with her passion, and got a little bit of luck from the stars as well and here we are.
And by the way..this would be a different blog if not for the NDA.
Lunch at LEGOLand today? Actual lunch with co workers there, quite fun, but still expensive.
Work is surprisingly quiet. You'd think there would be more ruffling through pieces and banter. Its insane to know that it costs more to take things apart and sort than it does to just make new parts. Its considered inefficient to take apart stuff here I think. Just build a new one!

anyway, i've got myself into quite a vicious nap cycle. Hopefully one good shopping day will do the trick. Another night at the hotel and so goes the first week. Goodnight everyone!

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