Thursday, May 13, 2010

Testing my metal or plastic - Day 2

My first real day at work, and just as expected the place was empty. I'm trying to wrap myself around my project, and what kind of freedom i have to do what I need to do. Its like my office at camp there, but a good chunk of the desks have an army of LEGO Robots on them amongst other things. I'm in one of the few offices where I'm not allowed to photographs. Its also this amazing office that has a black door, as opposed to the other open rooms and desks with glass partitions. As a builder, I've got more parts than I could even imagine (and I can imagine a lot). I spent a lot of time looking around and walking around for inspiration, this project is serious, at least i'm taking it very seriously and even though i know i've got the skills to pay the bills, i just hope i can impress the myriad of people who've been doing this their whole lives. Build on!

So i just realized that its about 5 Danish Krone to 1 USD, holy crap! at least the breakfast is free. And the breakfast is good, cereals, DIY waffles and eggs and deli meats and the best part is that its free. Free is good since dinner is ridiculously expensive. I'm glad its a short week, but to my luck tonights dinner was the first i've paid for since i got here. I'm hoping I can find cheaper food over the week. I still need to exchange my money, how strange, I'm a little spoiled here since they take USD. I think if i can make it through Friday then I can get my money changed and shop around. I'm excited for the weekend, hitting up legoland on saturday! Get ready for the barrage of pictures.

Speaking of which, pix are up on facebook!

I'll take better ones of the hotel and soon the walk over to the job. Time for another 100 pushups

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