Sunday, June 6, 2010

Skipping Stones in Fjords - Day 26

Of all days for it to not be sunny.

So yea, yesterday I rented a VW Polo 5 speed (yay!). Today we got up early to go and explore Western Jutland via roadtrip! Definitely an experience for the ages, with just the right company.

My Navigator got us due west with our first major stop at Rinkobing (sp) after a quick reststop at a Fakta and another type of store. I found Powerade! Rinkobing was a nice town with a view into a lake. Yvonne and I were skipping stones and it was great! Further up the west coast we stopped at a Museum area to eat and see some old ship wreck stuff. Cool stuff there too! We found a small inlet to a beach and found some more stones there. While trying to find a rock, Yvonne found a jellyfish which she tried to make me eat. GROSS! Further up we took a short cut to our northernmost point. It led us to a boat ride across a fjord with the car! I never been, That was awesome. And there was a Viking totem pole at the end. In Nykobing there was a hostel and park with a beach too. More skipping stones! 4 Hrs in, and about 250km. Time to head back to Billund! We found ourselves to Herning to have some pizza and a walk around another town. Possible candidate for me to live there, maybe who knows. Back to the hotel, Yvonne got her luggage and we went to return the car (Nooo!) And a walk back to the hotel. A bit of a nice moment when we walked by the airport and the lights turned on for the runways. So fun and great times. Pix up on FB soon. Back to work tomorrow! and my last week in Billund (for now)

Its gonna be a CRAZY week!

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