Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Second Wind - Day 21

Is it really day 21?

Got up ridonculously early to send of YiJia. And man I paid for it. I must've looked like a zombie at work.

I had to hold out though. Today I got to take a tour of Brick production in the Kornmarken factory. I got to take home a LEGO Piece that was FRESH ..and i mean FRESH off the mold. A lego Chain piece that's made with just one mold! so crazy. But really, it was cool to see the molding in action. This place has more than half of the worlds LEGO molds and is the actual vault for the ones in Denmark. Can you imagine they used to bury and build the factor with the old molds so that no one would steal them? Can't do that now. The warehouse of brick is this cathedral of boxes as people have described with robots in each aisle, it looks like the matrix!

Back to work for some Danish cake, mmm chocolate cake with a coconut topping mmm. So good. But man was I beat, I think i was seeing double. I was able to get my computer up and running and now have a LEGO email address and all the applications! I love proper server networks!

After a second wind I was able to really finish up the mechanics of my latest project. Its been my longest task since I've got here! But maybe tomorrow I can have it running. I am a genius!

But the body gets the best of me. Back to the naps, and catching up. Just two weeks to go, and its the shortest two weeks ever!

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