Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feeding Rabbits - Day 28

Laundry again today, back to the family hostel laundromat. So instead of just hanging around the vending machine like i did last time, we walked around the little village. Found a zoo! they had goats and ponies and rabbits! After feeding some goats we found some cute rabbits to feed too. And a small walk around led to some donkeys to pet. I found some plum blossom poles to walk on. Fun times! wish i had my camera.

And yay clean clothes again.

Counting down the days at work.. and still lots to do. I'll miss the team for sure but i'll be back. It'll be good to go home and recharge my batteries though, even though i'll be running at full speed once i get back.

As the big project is on a timeline, the pace gets more and more frantic...

gotta do some shopping and survive the last week here!..and that it is, just 7 more days.

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