Friday, June 11, 2010

I got my lamb - Day 31

Last time I ate at Hotel LEGOLand they messed up my order and gave me a steak instead of the lamb I ordered. I was determined to get it at some point and it was SOOO worth it. It was fantasmagorical!

Its pretty gross outside still, been like this all week! Can't believe Yvonne only got to see the gloomy weather since she's been here. Hopefully our big weekend trip will be better.

At work there are a couple of people who've been through the whole going over process. Its incredibly comforting to know that someones gone through the same thing and can help if i needed it.

Tomorrow, Mons Klint and some other stops! Its gonna be a great weekend to leave on. There's still so much more to see and explore though.

"Hey don't you know that we're off to see the world"

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