Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ramping up

We've gotten quite a bit of snow in the last 8 days. I'd say its snowed at least 5 of the last 8 days at least a few hours each. Its quite the winter wonderland and its taken me out of my funk a little bit. Its still cold as shit, but strangely pleasant. I have some sort of comfort in it, although i'm still searching for the reason why. It just is.

The amount of work i've been given has really ramped up. I'd say its tripled if not quadrupled in the past few weeks. Deadlines are looming, creating arguments and proving thoughts and concepts..just another day in the life. Strangely i want more. Theres so much more to learn.

And its all coming to a head. Soon to come home and see how life has changed around me. I cant wait just to see everyone that i miss so dearly and yet still anticipating returning in the new year and beginning new.

I'm starting to find the balance here. It's still tough to do so, but Its getting better and hopefully will become second nature. I've made some friends here and they're all great people. Where will we all be in the next year?

Looking forward again, getting back on my feet.

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