Monday, December 6, 2010

Through his stomach

The way to a mans heart is through his stomach..they say.

I say nothing brings people together better than food. We had a potluck at my place over the weekend and you got to see what people bring to the table. It wasnt just about the food though, just a good time to see the grave hill crew before they all bounce for the holidays. Our little international community is small and temporary, we all know that, but the people grow on you really fast. Soon we'll move away to our separate places.

I wish i could remember all the foods, each one of them told a story about their makers. For me it was great to teach my danish roommate how to roll lumpia. Honestly, i've probably been boasting my Filipino/New York culture a little too much but I am proud of them. Theres nothing wrong with sharing great food with great people.

I've been doing these dinners at least once a week since i've gone here and it makes things so much more comfortable. It makes it feel like home. It makes the sudden move from home that much more bearable and thus making it easy to move forward. A man can always still miss home.

Each dinner has made me feel closer to home. And surely closer to my new friends here. And even further, appreciating the friends I have at home and the times we've had there.
All of this, through my stomach.

As for work, you can have an off day, where the brain just doesnt work. Builders block at my job can actually be a dangerous thing. But you have to keep working right? Crazy ideas are still ideas, even on a bad day one can still have a few. Actually have something really exciting coming up, but even more than that - the holidays.

Til then all.

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