Friday, December 31, 2010

Man in the mirror.

Its so easy to reflect on the year for me, and surely there were so many ups and downs. Definitely more ups though.
And so many lessons learned, new experiences and yadda yadda yadda. I can go look through this blog, my facebook, my LEGO creations and in the mirror for my reflection.

Let me again look forward on the year to come.
So many more things to learn and places to see. I look forward to making even more friends in strange places and eating the food that makes me happy. And here's to deepening bonds, truer love and amazing sights.

It was true, 2010 was an amazing year, a year that went by way too fast..and maybe things at the end just help put them in perspective. I leave the next year as an open door, even wider than before.

A good time to make fewer promises, but yet get more things done. Life is short, live it up. Here's to not always knowing where you're gonna end up, but having a blast getting there.

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