Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learning New Languages

Even though everyone speaks English quite well here, there's still so much to learn!

Two weeks, just two weeks of Danish lessons have shown me just how hard the language is and how it is to really immerse myself into the culture. Its an exciting prospect, and a 'free' one. It's a journey well worth going on.

The LEGO Language is quite different as well. Parts don't have the names I'm used to. Modules instead of holes, elements instead of Bricks..really just SOP right? But there is quite a lot to learn here. The amount of Acronyms and initials for things could boggle the mind!

And the Dance, another style of salsa, its like learning to walk again. My head spins just as much as the turn patterns i'm trying to learn. But let it be just another language to learn. On top of the Danish, Spanish and Cuban salsa!

But like my favorite mediums, the universal languages of creativity, and movement - just a few more bricks to build with, and just a few more moves..

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