Saturday, October 2, 2010

The first 11 days...

You know, just moving continents..
(so this blog was once about my lego, and i guess it always will be, but i'd say its changed a bit and is taking a life of its own)

Has it only been about 11 days? What a weird number.
Its been quite a ride so far. With Delta and Cimber Sterling leaving one of my boxes in Dublin to renting cars and marching in and out of the office with the company bike. Emotions running amok, and life moving incredibly quickly. I still don't exist here in Billund, Denmark - not until i get those vitally important registration and tax numbers in my personal record. I'm still floating on by, trying to figure everything out.
I've been given a lot. This opportunity has me looking towards a long long term future, something i've never done before. And the only thing i can think of: what more can i do? I'm trying hard to stay hungry and keep dreaming. This process has shown me that with some determination and a drive to never be unhappy, you can really get to do what you want. It helps to work hard, play hard and all that good stuff, and even pray a little.
Can't really say that i'm homesick just yet. Dont get me wrong, I miss my girlfriend terribly and the nights here can be quite lonely. I miss the business of the city and the many options. It'll be a bit easier once the income becomes regular. The world feels incredibly small with video conferencing and a company telephone - but nothing can replace human touch. I can only look forward while learning the ins and outs of a foreign place. I look forward to calling this place home and being the crazy socialite i've taught myself to be back home. I look forward to going home to the Bronx and seeing how life has moved on without me.
And there's so much more. The little adventures that have really pushed me and thrown me into this culture and life. Shopping at Ikea, the LEGO Fan weekend, and walking around with the cool people i met at the Global introduction. Now trying to figure out what to do this weekend. Surely i'm domesticated, and think it might be good to stay home and clean up, feel fresh and get ready for the easy part of this whole experience: the work.

11 days.. counting
And many more things to come

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