Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Little Orange

Ever try to peel off the skin from one of those small oranges in one piece? its not the easiest thing in the world, but wholly satisfying when finished. I hear the Japanese have contests on shapes you make out of it. But anyway.

I havent been here in a while. Work is at a steady stride, the routine is there, but never really routine. I still work at a job that offers me something possibly different every day even if things can seem the same on paper. Sometimes i forget that what i say has some weight, that i have just a bit of decision power and that theres just that much i bring to the table. Theres my own humility, but i have to remember to have an opinion, and strong ones.

LEGOWorld was fun, four nights in 'The Sky.'
Yea, the first day was tough, and the rest got smoother as the days went by. You can find my robots on The photomonkey was awesome!

Really though, I havent been on cloud nine for a while, maybe innocently, but getting old and jaded is keeping me grounded. The time was short, the time was great and the sleeping was next to none..but you had to have some, or not. Seems a little orange kind of rolled into my life, sweet for sure. Just like everything else, gotta take it as it is, and only hope for more.

As for building, the major thing i came up with was accepting failure. Failure as a variant of done. My big robot is gonna hit the shelf, and maybe ill return to it. Hitting the sketchbook hardcore these days.

Time for something new yea? Something grand, something big, something amazing, and maybe a new massive ridiculous creation as well.

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