Sunday, September 18, 2011

obligatory..but really

Spending the better half of the day cooling down after my first sober birthday since i turned 25. I came home a few hundred kroner and one white bowtie (for some reason the sound of this word does not resonate with me) lighter.

The party itself was a whirlwind. Once at the club, it was near non stop dancing until just about 3am. I was glad people came and got dressed up and even more happy that even those who didnt particularly enjoy the music still came out and danced. The energy was incredible in there, and it was an amazing evening.

It was also a milestone, my first birthday in a new life. I cant believe how much had changed in the last year. And last night had started with this song that i kind of left with in nyc. I saved as many nights as i could, fought the brink of dawn, and tomorrow came, I was gone...and eventually so was she. The last year was truly sobering, full of learning experiences and now a new family here. I felt like i brought them back with me, to the bronx, to a piece of me that they may not really have known about or maybe they did. And it really meant a lot to me that they were there, while wishing my friends back home could help revel in the festivities as well. While lifting this massive one liter of danish beer, i was reminded of the travels and the sights ive seen. It was obviously Munich, but then more than that, my travels have brought me to the foot of the Eiffel tower, the water of the Trevi Fountain, a castle in the mountains, and where the seas meet the seas. But moreover, from those travels i knew there is just so much more to see of the world, the cities that no one heard of, and avenues few people walk through. I danced with more gusto and confidence last night than i had in a very long time. I left my inhibitions at the door and watched my shy youth go off in the distance. Perhaps it was a product of the year's happenings. The nearly forced learning of being independent, quickly and in a place where nobody knows your name, and many times where nobody knows your tongue. Where was this gusto while standing next to a beautiful girl on sort of balcony, listening to a swing band, in Verona!? Next time then. I dont know if i had any new turn patterns in me, maybe a few new moves, or just a few that came back from the back of my mind. I wondered if it would shadow the professional creativity that i've been able to display in the last year. So many things made with these two hands, and even fewer that anyone will see.
The year hasnt abated my hunger for more, and maybe even hungrier to see more, grow more and be more. At times i feel like my age lies to me, theres so much more life to live, I only wonder if i had missed out so much and trying to rush to catch up as i get older. Who am i kidding though, i always tell myself that i intend to live forever!

So here i sit, in a quiet apartment, feasting on Ken Burns Baseball. Enjoying a lazy sunday at home, trying not to think about too much and surely doing way too little. Perhaps i'll get something sweet from the store. I should be thinking about tomorrow, and maybe the next year ahead. Maybe very little will change in the coming year, maybe more will. Yea, 31.

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