Sunday, March 6, 2011

Old habits die hard

Here i am.. So late in the evening and just watching anime, posing the hero factory figures.

But i still cant shake my bad habits. I was never a good student, homework really never stuck to me and I never minded doing anything until the last minute. Amongst all other things.

It makes me nervous to think about all that when i was never one to finish projects well. I have my projects and deadlines and stuff. But believing in something so deeply as i do now makes me really want to finish and finish well- if only to continue to better my craft. As an artist, thats all you can hope for right?

But i'm going home soon, just for a couple of days.
And then there's lent, maybe something to believe in. 40 days of some sort of devotion to something. Supposed to be sacrifice, but interpret it as your will.

Im hoping to cut up some old habits and hopefully add some new ones. Definitely need to bring back my resolve and I hope that my trip home will bring that back. I could use a muse.

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